How Transformed Their Business with Veracity Solutions and the Cloud

Achieving Business Agility

Ancestry is the largest genealogy company in the world. In their efforts to grow, they sought a way to improve their development, infrastructure, and achieve business agility through the cloud.

The Need for Elastic Infrastructure

Ancestry began with a single data center that was rigid and inflexible, making it difficult to automate, monitor systems, and improve security. Relying on a single data center also did not provide a high availability configuration.

At the time, the data center infrastructure was only using ~25% of its overall capacity meaning that significant cost reduction could be achieved by moving to a more elastic infrastructure, i.e. the public cloud.

While revenue costs remained steady, an increase in reliability, innovation, and experimentation for a low-cost investment made cloud adoption a huge business agility win.

Achieving an All-In Migration

With the help of Veracity CEO, John Esser, and automated system configuration (which had been achieved during a previous DevOps adoption) Ancestry was able to accelerate their migration to the cloud. They did this by first implementing a disaster recovery system in the cloud, followed by a complete “all-in” migration which resulted in a highly available, multi-datacenter configuration.

While revenue costs remained steady, an increase in reliability, innovation, and experimentation all for a low-cost investment made cloud adoption a huge business agility win.

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