Business Intelligence and Your Organization’s Maturity

If we were to ask organizations where they felt they were with their data maturity, they would rate themselves much higher than they are. The question is why does that matter? If an organization feels like they are utilizing data-generated insights, and the business is doing well, why does it matter how mature they are […]
What is a Data-Driven Business?

In this post, we’ll cover the definition, characteristics, challenges, and benefits of being a data-driven business as well as the steps to becoming a data-driven business by using data to improve performance and inform strategy and decision-making.
Why do we need business intelligence?

A question asked by businesses on a consistent basis is around the need for Business Intelligence. So many companies “get by” importing and analyzing data in Excel. Answers are derived, but are they always the correct answers – or simply the answers we were wanting to produce? Are the answers timely? How many hours were […]
On-Prem to Azure: A Guide to Cloud Migration

Are you considering a move to the cloud? In this article, we’ll take you from on-prem to Microsoft Azure, walking step-by-step through the cloud migration process, and offer special considerations to keep in mind as you begin your cloud journey.
Agility in the Automotive Industry

In the move to electrification is BMW as Agile as we are led to believe? I’ve been keeping an eye on the electric vehicle (EV) market for a while now, with an eye on making the leap to an all-electric vehicle as my next purchase and moving away from the internal combustion engine as my […]
A Response to TechRepublic’s ‘How to Beef up Your Multi-Cloud Security’

A few weeks ago, TechRepublic posted an article about “how to beef up your multi-cloud security.” A Valtix study found that IT leaders believe “employees lack the necessary skills to manage multi-cloud security.” 95% of survey respondents said they’re prioritizing multi-cloud in 2022. However, only 54% said they feel confident that they have the tools […]
The Future’s Technological Heart of Glass

Some ancient cultures believed the heart was the center of an individual. They believed the characteristics that make someone who they are, comes from the heart. In terms of a modern-day computer, the information it contains represents the distinctiveness of that technology. What is contained in that machine, makes it unique. The storage mechanisms, or […]
How to Stay the Course to Completing Your Project

This blog post is the fourth and final post in a series exploring the ideas I shared in a LinkedIn article titled “Beware of hearing what you want to hear.”Though the original article was about my experiences at Veracity Solutions, I hope you’ll be able to apply these ideas to your projects and relationships. Four […]
How to Have Hard Conversations

This blog post is the third in a series where we’re exploring the four points I shared in an article titled “Beware of hearing what you want to hear.” Though the original article is about my experiences at Veracity, I hope you’ll find some useful ideas you can utilize in your own projects and relationships.
The Importance of Defining Roles and Responsibilities

This blog post is the second in a series where I’m digging deeper into each of the four points I shared in an article titled “Beware of hearing what you want to hear.” I hope you’ll find some ideas that will be useful in your projects and relationships.